Tag Datasets

README for Block Lab files found on Box or mola (internal server)

Files will generally have the prefix TOPPID + tag number, e.g., 1917026_13P0077.

TOPPID breaks down as follows:

2 digit species code (in this case 19 = white shark)
2 digit deployment year
3 digit sequential integer per year per species

e.g., 1917026 is the twenty-sixth tagging event on a white shark in 2017.
The TOPPID approximates tagging date order but is not a perfect match.

You might also see the term EVENTID. It represents TOPPID plus an additional two digit suffix. This suffix allows for a single animal tagging event to include multiple tags. If the above white shark, 1917026, was tagged with both a PSAT and acoustic tag the EVENTIDs would be 191702600 and 191702601 (this does not imply that a PSAT tag is always assigned the first EVENTID and an acoustic tag the second). A third tag would be 191702602 and so on.

On mola, the files will be separated into the following separate folders:
processing, plots_pics, raw_data, recovery, and TS_pdfs.

The naming conventions vary within each file type due to the age of the data and when it was processed. There will also be variation in file formatting due to tag/data age.
Below are the possible files you will find separated by their folders.
Not all of these files will be available for every tag!


transmitted binary -- xxx.prv, xxx.log, xxx.txt file from Wildlife Computers popup tags
raw archival time series -- xxxTS.csv, xxxTS.txt
light level longitude (archivals) -- xxxDL.csv, xxxDL.txt, xxxTF.csv


raw archival time series -- xxx-Archive.csv
local time and depth corrected archival time series -- xxxDC.csv, xxxDC.txt, xxxTS_corrected.csv, xxxCL.csv (time only)
raw transmitted time series -- xxx-Series.csv
light level longitude -- xxx_longitude.csv, xxx_longitude.txt, xxx-Locations.csv
profile of depth temperature (pdt) -- xxx_pdt.csv, xxx-PDTs.csv, generally only present for transmitted popup data
time at depth histogram -- xxxTimeAtDepth.csv, xxx-Histos.csv
time at temperature histogram -- xxxTimeAtTemp.csv, xxx-Histos.csv
geolocation -- xxx_lf2_ss200_mv1_sd2_cloud70_413F_pdt.csv (findlats raw output name example), xxxGL.csv, xxx_findlats.csv, xxxSSM.txt
Wildlife Computers geolocation -- xxx-GPE3.csv
*** On mola both SSM and GPE3 outputs are found in separate folders from the individual tag data, and not in the processing folder.


pdt plot -- xxxBT.jpg, xxx_TBT.jpg, xxx_pdt.jpg
van gogh plot -- xxxVG.jpg, xxx_vangogh.jpg
isothermal layer plot -- xxx_lawson_ILD.pdf
time at depth histogram plot -- xxxTimeAtDepth.jpg
time at temperature histogram plot -- xxxTimeAtTemp.jpg
basic longitude/depth/temperature (mola only) -- xxx_MaxMin_Temp_Depth.jpg
light-level geolocations (mola only) -- xxx_LLpositions.jpg
geolocation plot -- xxx_lf2_ss200_mv1_sd2_cloud70_413F_pdt.jpg (findlats raw output name example), xxx_findlatsxxx.jpg, xxxVW.jpg (another findlats version), xxxSSMxxx.jpg
Wildlife Computers geolocation plot -- xxx-GPE3.jpg
*** On mola both SSM and GPE3 outputs are found in separate folders from the individual tag data, and not in the processing folder.


archival binary -- xxx.wch from Wildlife Computers, or xxx.bin from Lotek/NMT tags
deploy recovery info report -- xxx_rec_report.pdf, xxxRR.rft, xxxRR.pdf
raw recovery info from source (mola only) -- xxxEM.txt, xxxEM.jpg
Wildlife Computers tag info (mola only) - xxx_dapinfo.jpg


archival time series daily plot -- xxxDP.pdf, xxx_daily_ts.pdf
archival time series weekly plot -- xxxWP.pdf
archival time series monthly plot -- ,xxxMP.pdf, xxx_monthly_ts.pdf

see geolocation_README.txt for more details on geolocation files.