Fishgroup table 'tblfgarchivalrecovery'
field | comment |
whole table | This table contains recovery metadata from all archival tagged fishgroup animals. Typically joins will be made to the fgarkey or toppid fields. Important fields are recdate, harvdate, lab_recdate, tagreturned, rdateestimated, and recpositionestimated. There are probably some unnecessary fields. All of the yes/no fields use 1 and 0 as their values and should be changed from type text to integer. All date fields should be converted from type text to date or timestamp. |
addrecvtags | Any recovered tags that do not fit in other tag fields. |
depstl | The deployment straight length of the fish. No reason for this field in this table. Should be deprecated. |
ew | Recovery hemisphere where e is east and w is west. |
fgarkey | This field should be called eventid. It joins to fgadkey in tblfgarchivaldeployment, fgdkey in tblfgprocessingstatus as well as any other place eventid works for archival tags. |
harvdate | The date the tag is removed from the animal. |
lab_recdate | What date did we learn about the recovery? Could also be ingestion date or record creation date. |
masscondition | Seems to be a duplicate of masstype. One of them should be deprecated. |
masstype | What condition was the fish, e.g., whole, round, dressed. |
paid | Was the reward paid? Yes is 1 and no is 0. |
paid_amount | The dollar amount of the reward. |
paid_comment | Comments related to the reward payment. |
pendate | The date the animal is put in a pen. |
penname | The name of the pen where the fish was held. |
rconaddress | Address of the recovery contact person. |
rcon_phone | Telephone number of the recovery contact person. |
rcontact | Who informed us of the recovery? |
rct1type | First conventional tag type. |
rct2type | Second conventional tag type. |
rdateestimated | Is the recovery date an estimate? |
recdate | The date the animal is recaptured or tag is recovered. |
reclocation | Generic geographic location of recovery. Not very useful. Possible candidate for deprecation. |
recpositionestimated | Is the recovery position estimated? |
recvbinfile | Name of the recovered bin file. |
recvbinpwd | The password used to unlock the Lotek LTD bin file. |
recvctag1 | First recovered conventional tag. |
recvctag2 | Second recovered conventional tag. |
recvgirth | The girth of the fish in centimeters. |
recvlat | Recovery latitude. Should be an integer. |
recvlen1 | The length of the fish in centimeters. |
recvlen1type | The type of length measurement, e.g., CFL, SFL or TL. |
recvlon | Recovery longitude. Should be an integer. |
recvmass | The mass of the fish in kilograms. |
recvsourcename | Name of the fishing vessel. |
recvsourcetype | Will generally be what type of fishing vessel caught the fish but can also be beachcomber, trap etc. |
recvspecies | Same as species in deployment table. Unnecessary and should be deprecated. |
rewardaddress | The address of the person who recovered the tag and receives the reward. |
reward_email | The email address of the person who recoveredthe tag and receives the reward. |
rewardperson | The name of the person who recovered the tag and receives the reward. |
reward_phone | The phone number of the person who recovered the tag and receives the reward. |
rlatdd | The decimal degree recovery latitude. |
rlondd | The decimal degree recovery longitude. |
sex | The sex of the recovered animal. |
sn | Recovery hemisphere where s is south and n is north. |
sst | The SST in fahrenheit at fish recapture location. |
tagcode | Same as tagcode in deployment table. |
tagfunctional | Probably unnecessary because of fields in tblfgprocessingstatus. Good candidate for deprecation. |
tagreturned | Was the tag returned to the Block lab or another location where the data could be downloaded? |
toppid | Same as toppid in deployment table. |
unknowndeploy | There are some old ABFT recoveries where we never received the tag or tag number. We guessed at the possible deployment tags and gave them a value of 1 for this field. |
vessel_flag | What country is the recapture vessel from? |
willbeprocessed | Used as an indicator of tag health or recovery type. Handled in processing status now. Good candidate for deprecation. |