Archival Fish Metadata

tblfgarchivaldeployment - Typically joins will be made to the fgadkey or toppid fields. Important fields used as query filters are project, seriesname, successful, taggingdate, tagmodel, tagtype and releasetype.

tblfgarchivalprogramming - Typically joins will be made to the fgapkey field

tblfgarchivalrecovery - Typically joins will be made to the fgarkey or toppid fields. Important fields are recdate, harvdate, lab_recdate, tagreturned, rdateestimated, and recpositionestimated.


Example query:

SELECT d.fgadkey as eventid,d.tagcode,d.taggingdate,d.seriesname,


FROM tblfgarchivaldeployment as d

INNER JOIN tblfgarchivalprogramming as pr ON d.fgadkey = pr.fgapkey

INNER JOIN tblfgarchivalrecovery as r ON d.fgadkey = r.fgarkey

WHERE d.seriesname ilike '%hatter%'