Fishgroup table 'tblfgsatrecovery'

field comment
whole table This table contains recovery metadata from all satellite and acoustic tagged fishgroup animals. Typically joins will be made to the fgsdkey or toppid fields. Important fields are actpopdate, rdate, lab_recdate, tagrecovered, fish_recaptured, rdateestimated, and recpositionestimated. There are probably some unnecessary fields. In particular there seem to be too many comment fields. All of the yes/no fields use 1 and 0 as their values and should be changed from type text to integer. All date fields should be converted from type text to date or timestamp.
actew Recovery hemisphere where e is east and w is west.
actns Popup hemisphere where s is south and n is north.
actpopdate The popup date of the tag.
actpoplat The decimal degree popup latitude.
actpoplon The decimal degree popup longitude.
addrecvtags Any recovered tags that do not fit in other tag fields.
auto_depth_released Did the tag release at a programmed max depth? True is 1, and false is 0.
ew Recovery hemisphere where e is east and w is west.
fgsdkey This field should be called eventid. It joins to fgsdkey in tblfgsatdeployments, fgdkey in tblfgprocessingstatus as well as any other place eventid works for satellite or acoustic tags.
fish_recaptured Was the fish recaptured as part of the recovery?
gender The sex of the recovered animal. Why is the name different than the archival recovery version?
lab_recdate What date did we learn about the recovery? Could also be ingestion date or record creation date.
ns Recovery hemisphere where s is south and n is north.
paid Was the reward paid? Yes is 1 and no is 0.
paid_amount The dollar amount of the reward.
paid_comment Comments related to the reward payment.
pin_broken Did the leader retaining pin on the popup tag break?
popdate_geoloc This is the correct popoff date identified with tag data. Necessary when a tag floats at the surface failing to recognize popup.
poplat_geoloc The decimal degree latitude of geolocation from popdate_geoloc.
poplon_geoloc The decimal degree longitude of geolocation from popdate_geoloc.
poppositiontype Initially used to differentiate geolocation/modified popups from standard ones. Now also used to label tags that transmitted a date but 3 or less positions (possibly none). These are not real popups but have enough meaning for Barb that she wants them accounted for. These failed popups will be labeled as ghosts.
popup_lc The Argos location quality of the popup location.
popup_sst The SST at time of popup within 3 days or less.
prematurerelease Did the tag popup more than 7 days prior to the programmed popup date?
rcomments Not used much. Unsure about this field. Candidate for deprecation.
rconaddress Address of the recovery contact person.
rcon_email The email address of the recovery contact person.
rcon_phone Telephone number of the recovery contact person.
rcontact Who informed us of the recovery?
rcontcomments Any additional information about the recovery contact.
rct1type First conventional tag type.
rct2type Second conventional tag type.
rdate The date the animal is recaptured or tag is recovered.
rdateestimated Is the recovery date an estimate?
reclocation Generic geographic location of recovery. Not very useful. Possible candidate for deprecation.
recpositionestimated Is the recovery position estimated?
recvcomment General comments.
recvctag1 First recovered conventional tag.
recvctag2 Second recovered conventional tag.
recvlat Recovery latitude. Should be an integer.
recvlon Recovery longitude. Should be an integer.
recvsourcename Name of the fishing vessel.
recvsourcetype Will generally be what type of fishing vessel caught the fish but can also be beachcomber, trap etc.
release_depth Depth in meters at tag release.
rewardaddress The address of the person who recovered the tag and received the reward.
reward_email The email address of the person who recovered the tag and received the reward.
rewardperson The name of the person who recovered the tag and receives the reward.
reward_phone The phone number of the person who recovered the tag and received the reward.
rgirth The girth of the fish in centimeters. Why is the name different than the archival recovery version?
rinjuries Any injuries noted on the fish at the time of recapture.
rlatdd The decimal degree recovery latitude.
rlength The length of the fish in centimeters. Why is the name different than the archival recovery version?
rlentype The type of length measurement, e.g., CFL, SFL or TL.
rlondd The decimal degree recovery longitude.
rmass The mass of the fish in kilograms. Why is the name different than the archival recovery version?
rmasstype What condition was the fish, e.g., whole, round, dressed.
rsource Not used much. Unsure about this field. Candidate for deprecation.
rtagcomments Not used much. Unsure about this field. Candidate for deprecation.
rtagnumber The manufacturer serial number of the recovered tag. Not really necessary since it is duplicated in the deployment table.
tagrecovered Was the tag returned to the Block lab or another location where the data could be downloaded?
toppid Same as toppid in deployment table.
unknowndeploy There are some old ABFT recoveries where we never received the tag or tag number. We guessed at the possible deployment tags and gave them a value of 1 for this field.