Sharkgroup table 'tblsgspotprogramming'
field | comment |
whole table | This table contains programming metadata for SPOT satellite tagged fishgroup animals. There are similarities to the other satellite programming tables though it is simpler due to SPOTS having fewer parameters. Typically joins will be made to the sgdepkey field. There are 14 histogram bin fields, b1low to b12high, that define how temperature data will be summarized. All date fields should be converted from type text to date or timestamp. |
acctime | Not consistently used. Y indicates a time difference of less than 4 seconds between tag clock and internet synchronized computer. Why is the name different than the MK10 programming table. |
add2next | Whether or not the previous days unused transmissions should be added to the next days quota. |
argosid | The Argos PTT number for the tag. |
battvolts | Live reading of battery voltage. |
change2slow | The number of consecutive dry readings required before switching to slow repetition rate. |
check4dry | The frequency in seconds the tag checks to see if it is dry. |
cond | Live conductivity reading. |
cthreshold | Number representing conductivity threshold. |
days | Selected days of the month the tag can transmit. |
depthtemp | Live reading of the depth associated temperature sensor. |
hardversion | Manufacturer hardware revision number. |
histenabled | Will time at temperature histograms be generated? |
hours | Selected hours of the day the tag can transmit. The field otherhours is used for custom hourly selections. |
localdate | Local date of programming. |
_localtime | Local time of programming. |
months | Selected months of the year the tag can transmit. |
pauseafter | The number of consecutive hours dry required before suspending transmissions to conserve battery. |
progcomments | Any comments not covered by other fields. For some reason the name is slightly different than MK10 programming table. |
programmedby | Who programmed the tag. |
progsw | Programming software revision number. |
repfilename | Name of the exported programming report file. |
repratefast | The maximum transmission repetition rate. |
reprateslow | The minimum transmission repetition rate. |
restartafter | The number of consecutive seconds wet required to resume transmissions after a pause. |
sgdepkey | This field should be called eventid. It joins to sgdepkey in tblsharkdeployment as well as any other place eventid works for SPOT tags. |
tagdate | Date of programming from the tag. |
tagnumber | Manufacturer serial number of tag. |
tagsoft | The tag firmware/software version number. |
toppid | Same as toppid in deployment table. |
transperday | Maximum number of transmissions per day. |
transyes | Was the tag transmitting at time of programming? |
tt | The total number of historical transmissions made by the tag. |
updatebutton | Was the update button pushed? Is this field necessary? |
uplinklutid | An ID used in an LUT system to locate a detached tag. |