Geolocation Data

The primary Block Lab geolocation product, published in Block et al. (2011), is the xxxSSM.csv file.
The first line of each xxxSSM.csv file is a header in this format:

For each location fix, the SSM generates 20000 posterior location estimates.
There is one line in the file for each location fix. The fields are:

datesec -- the GMT time.
lon -- the mean of longitude estimates.
lat -- the mean of latitude estimates.
lon025 -- the 2.5% percentile of the longitude estimates.
lat025 -- the 2.5% percentile of the latitude estimates.
lon5 -- the median of the longitude estimates.
lat5 -- the median of the latitude estimates.
lon975 -- the 97.5% percentile of the longitude estimates.
lat975 -- the 97.5% percentile of the latitude estimates.
mplon -- the longitude of the 2D mode (point of highest kernel density)
mplat -- the latitude of the 2D mode (point of highest kernel density)
id -- the eventid of the deployment

Other geolocation files:
xxx_findlats.csv -- Block lab method published in Teo et al. (2004) for light level and sea surface temperature geolocation.

xxx-GPE3.csv -- Wildlife Computers' GPE3 process uses a proprietary State-space model to produce an animal location track. It is not specific or limited to Block Lab data. See for more detailed information.