Archival and Satellite (PAT) Processed Data

There are several standard output tables for processed data. These tables and their structure are the same between fish and sharks. The main difference is the naming convention. All the fish tables start with 'tblfg_' while the sharks start with 'tblshark_'. The fish tables are listed below.

tblfg_ssm - This table combines the standard SSM output with basic metadata for fish with SSM data, except for ABFT, PBFT and marlin. Typically joins will be made to the eventid field.

tblfg_pdt - This table contains Wildlife PDT data from all available fishgroup tags. Typically joins will be made to the eventid field.

tblfg_tad - This table contains Wildlife time at depth data from all available fishgroup tags. Typically joins will be made to the eventid field.

tblfg_tat - This table contains Wildlife time at temperature data from all available fishgroup tags. Typically joins will be made to the eventid field.

tblfg_diving - This table captures basic diving metrics from archival time series data. Initially all metrics are based on Lawson 2010 methods - calculating isothermal layer depth (ILD) and counting dives based on trips through the ILD. Typically joins will be made to the eventid field.

tblfg_gpe3 - This table combines the standard GPE3 output with basic metadata for all fish with GPE3 data. It is only available for Wildlife tag data and generally only for tags deployed in 2018 or later. Typically joins will be made to the eventid field.

tblfg_geodata - This table contains findlats SST output positions. Typically joins will be made to the eventid field.

There are some exceptions to the rule in fish group, and these are Atlantic and Pacific bluefin, and marlin. They all have their own geodata and SSM tables. Both the ABFT and PBFT tables have ages and lengths grown/calculated from relevant formulas.

tblabft_geodata_ssm - This table combines the standard SSM output with basic ABFT metadata. Typically joins will be made to the eventid or toppid fields.

tblabft_geodata - This table contains findlats SST output positions. Typically joins will be made to the fgadkey field.

tblpbft_geodata_ssm - This table combines the standard SSM output with basic PBFT metadata. Typically joins will be made to the eventid or toppid fields.

tblpbft_geodata - This table contains findlats SST output positions. Typically joins will be made to the fgdkey field.

tblmarlin_geodata_ssm - This table combines the standard SSM output with basic marlin metadata. Typically joins will be made to the eventid field.

tblmarlin_geodata - This table contains findlats SST output positions. Typically joins will be made to the eventid field.