Fishgroup table 'tblfgpatprogramming'
field | comment |
whole table | This table contains programming metadata for early generation (PAT1 thru PAT5) satellite tagged fishgroup animals. Typically joins will be made to the fgsdkey field. All date fields should be converted from type text to date or timestamp. |
acctime | Not consistently used. Y indicates a time difference of less than 4 seconds between tag clock and internet synchronized computer. Why is the name different than the MK10 programming table. |
argosid | The Argos PTT number for the tag. |
bin_id_d | Integer ID that links to tblprogbins_depth in order to retrieve bin values. |
bin_id_t | Integer ID that links to tblprogbins_temp in order to retrieve bin values. |
bobbin | What type of bobbin is on the tag? Generally either black or orange. |
dart | What type of dart was used, e.g., deck, nylon, OTS titanium. |
datainterval | The histogram data summarization interval in hours. The name changes to samphistogram in tblmk10programming. A commonly used variable. |
day3data | Indicates whether or not the tag should transmit TransLocation only. |
daystorelease | The number of days after which the tag will release. Measured from tag activation/deployment date. |
depth_bins | A string concatenation of the depth bin fields. |
depthcorr | Never used. Duplicate of depthcorrection. Should be deprecated. |
depthcorrection | Will a correction be applied to the depth data. |
fgsdkey | This field should be called eventid. It joins to fgsdkey in tblfgsatdeployments, fgdkey in tblfgprocessingstatus and fgsdkey in tblfgsatrecovery as well as any other place eventid works for satellite tags. |
float | Style of the float. Probably not necessary. Also a bad name related to reserved names. Candidate for deprecation. |
hardversion | Manufacturer hardware revision number. |
histogramtype | Unsure about this field. |
ibattvolts | Live reading of battery voltage. |
ideppress | Whether or not the depth button was pressed during programming. |
idepth | Live reading of depth sensor. |
idepthtemp | Live reading of the depth associated temperature sensor. |
ilight | Live reading of the light sensor. |
instrepfile | Name of the instrument report file shipped with the tag when it was new. |
irtctemp | Live reading of the real time clock temperature sensor. |
itemp | Live reading of the temperature sensor. |
leaderlength | The length of the tag leader in inches. |
lightblink | Discontinued with hardware version 4. Refers to whether or not the light on the tag was blinking. |
localdate | Local date of programming. |
_localtime | Local time of programming. |
memallocarchkb | Amount of flash memory to allocate for storage of archival data. |
memallocbutton | Whether or not the memory allocation button was activated - applies to older software. |
memallochistkb | Amount of flash memory to allocate for storage of histogram data. |
memalloclocationkb | Amount of flash memory to allocate for storage of location data. |
memallocpdtkb | Amount of flash memory to allocate for storage of pdt data. |
offsett | Time offset from UTC for histogram sampling period. Affects PDT data period also. |
pinintact | Was the bobbin pin undamaged? |
pintype | What style of pin is in the tag, e.g., monel. |
popdate | The programmed popup date. |
poptime | The programmed time of popup. Defaults to 12:00. |
predetectdepth | Not used. Duplicate of prematdepth. The minimum depth to start premature release detection. |
prematdayspr | Number of days prior to to death of the organism to assign a higher priority to the data, or None. |
prematdepth | The minimum depth to start premature release detection. |
premathours | Consecutive hours at constant depth before premature release is initiated. |
prematoutliers | Allow a few outliers in the constant depth data? |
prematsurface | Does the tag have to be at surface to initiate premature release? |
progcomments | Any comments not covered by other fields. |
progdateon | Date the tag will be active if ProgDelay was set to Y. |
progdelay | Whether or not the tag was programmed to delay recording. |
progsw | Programming software revision number. |
project | Rarely used. Totally unnecessary. Should be deprecated. |
pstdate | Local date of programming in PST. Basically duplicated by localdate. Candidate for deprecation. |
psttime | Local time of programming in PST. Basically duplicated by timelocal. Candidate for deprecation. |
reprate | Repetition interval for signal transmission. |
sampbattunits | The sampling units for battery voltage. |
sampbattvolts | Archive sampling rate for battery voltage. |
sampdepth | Archive sampling rate for depth sensor data. |
sampdepthtemp | Archive sampling rate from the depth associated temperature sensor. |
sampdepthtempunits | The sampling rate for the depth temperature sensor. |
sampdepthunits | The depth sensor sampling units. |
sample_int | Time in seconds for time series sample interval. |
samplight | Archive sampling rate for light level data. |
samplightunits | The light sensor sampling units. |
samprtctemp | Archive sampling rate for real time clock temperature sensor. |
samprtctempunits | The sampling units for the real time clock temperature sensor. |
samptemp | Archive sampling rate from temperature sensor data. |
samptempunits | The temperature sensor sampling units. |
savedrepname | Name of the exported programming report file. |
shrinkaddress | Address on the shrink wrap, e.g., TRCC, MBA or NMFS. |
shrinkid | ID on leader heat shrink. |
shrinklength | Length of the leader heat shrink in inches. |
tagdate | Date of programming from the tag. |
tagnumber | Manufacturer serial number of tag. |
tagsoft | The tag firmware/software version number. |
tagtime | Time at programming from the tag. |
temp_bins | A string concatenation of the temp bin fields. |
transhist | Transmission priority for histogram data. |
translocation | Transmission priority for location data, e.g., Low, Medium or High. |
transpdt | Transmission priority for pressure depth temperature date. |
uplinklut | An ID used in an LUT system to locate a detached tag. |
uplinklutid | Same as uplinkut. Should be combined and one of them deprecated. |
workgroup | The TOPP workgroup of the principal investigator. |