Sharkgroup table 'tblsgprocessingstatus'

field comment
whole table This table contains data for tracking the status of recovered and/or popup tag data. Typically joins will be made to the sgdkey field. The most common fields used to filter queries are geolocated, ssm_complete, date_last_depth, date_last_etemp, date_last_itemp, date_last_light, no_pdt, no_tad, and no_tat. All of the yes/no fields use 1 and 0 as their values and should be changed from type text to integer. All date fields should be converted from type text to date or timestamp.
argosloc_percent The percent of Argos satellite passes that resulted in a calculated Argos position.
cafe_track Applies to white sharks. Did the animal go to the Cafe?
comments General comments.
date1_offshore This applies to white sharks. What date did the animal move offshore beyond the CA Current?
date_last_depth The last date of good time series depth data if there was sensor or battery failure.
date_last_etemp The last date of good time series external temperature data if there was sensor or battery failure.
date_last_itemp The last date of good time series internal temperature data if there was sensor or battery failure.
date_last_light The last date of good time series light data if there was sensor or battery failure.
date_last_lon The last date of good light level longitude data if there was sensor or battery failure.
depthcorrection_eq The equation applied to times series data for depth correction. Generally run on time corrected data.
download_date The date the tag was downloaded.
downloadedby If the tag was recovered, who downloaded the data.
fidelity Does the track show fidelity to the deployment location?
fidelity_dates If the track showed fidelity to the deployment location what were the dates of the return?
findlats_outfile The name of the final/official findlats output file.
findlats_params No longer used. Generally the longitude and latitude movement values, the search size and surface depth parameters from the official lab findlats output for the tag. These values need to be tracked somehow.
geolocated Has the data been run through findlats and a final/official version accepted? Yes = 1 and no = 0, and will not be = 2.
gf_file No longer used. A reformatted version of the findlats output file. Candidate for deprecation.
gpe3_meters_per_sec The speed filter setting used in GPE3.
gpe3_score The average observation score for the entire track.
hawaii_ac Was the animal detected by acoustic receivers in Hawaii?
hawaii_track Applies to white sharks. Did the animal go to Hawaii?
mess_per_pass The average number of messages received per Argos pass.
minipat_ts_percent MiniPAT transmitted data specific. What percentage of the deployment has both depth and temperature time series data?
naturalmortality Does the data show the animal likely died at some point after deployment? Yes = 1 and no = 0.
no_pdt PAT tag specific. Is PDT data missing or corrupt? Yes = 1 and no = 0.
no_tad PAT tag specific. Is time at depth data missing or corrupt? Yes = 1 and no = 0, and duplicate dates where the data might be okay = 2.
no_tat PAT tag specific. Is time at temperature data missing or corrupt? Yes = 1 and no = 0, and duplicate dates where the data might be okay = 2.
no_ts Is the tag missing time series data? Yes = 1 and no = 0. Intended for archival tags (sampling rate <= 120 seconds) so generally will not be populated for transmit only tags. An exception could be when a transmitted time series file is converted to a CL/DC file to benefit processing. Since the resolution will be very coarse it is considered to have limited use. This tag would be marked Yes/1. A very short duration tagging mortality might also get marked Yes/1.
pat_lon_cnt How many light level longitudes did the tag produce within the deployment period?
percent_decode The percentage of successfully decoded Argos messages.
sat_passes The number of Argos satellite passes that detected the tag transmitting.
sgdkey This field should be called eventid. It is the same as the eventid field in all other tables.
shed_date What is the approximate date of tag shedding?
ssm_complete Has a Block lab SSM output been generated for this tag? Yes = 1 and no = 0, and will not be = 2.
ssm_tracklen_km Track length in kilometers of the SSM output.
ssm_tracklen_nm Track length in nautical miles of the SSM output.
ssm_version What version of the SSM produced the final/official track for this tag?
straight_distance Marlin specific. What is the straight distance in nautical miles between the deployment and popup/recovery position?
tag_eaten Does the data show the tag was likely ingested at some point in the deployment? Yes = 1 and no = 0.
tagging_mortality Does the data show the tag went to the bottom soon, probably less than 2 weeks, after deployment? Yes = 1 and no = 0.
tagnum Manufacturer serial number of tag.
tag_shed This applies to acoustic tags. Was the tag shed and possibly sitting next to a receiver?
timezone_correction Time correction applied to UTC time series data when running CleanFirst.
total_messages Total messages received through Argos including corrupt and duplicates.
transmit_days Satellite tag specific. How many days did the tag transmit after popup?
ts_sample_rate The sampling rate of the processed dataset.