Processing Shark Metadata
tblsgprocessingstatus - This table contains data for tracking the status of recovered and/or popup tag data. Typically joins will be made to the sgdkey field. The most common fields used to filter queries are geolocated, ssm_complete, date_last_depth, date_last_etemp, date_last_itemp, date_last_light, no_pdt, no_tad, and no_tat.
Example query:
SELECT d.sgdepkey as eventid,d.tagcode,d.taggingdate,d.seriesname,r.actpopdate,p.ssm_complete
FROM tblsharkdeployment as d
INNER JOIN tblsharkrecovery as r ON d.sgdepkey = r.sgdepkey
INNER JOIN tblsgprocessingstatus as p ON d.sgdepkey = p.sgdkey
WHERE d.seriesname ilike '%nuevo%'