Acoustics table ‘acoustic_recovery'

field comment
whole table This table contains recovery info for acoustic receivers affiliated with Block Lab acoustic detection data. Generally the only important fields are receiver, receiver_dnum and recdatetime. It joins to acoustic_deployment with receiver and receiver_dnum.
akey Unique ID serial primary key field.
comments General comments not easily fitting in other fields.
data_download Not really used. What the data downloaded?
downloadid A unique date time generated ID associated with a specific file ingestion.
recdatetime The date with or without time at recovery. Local time.
receiver Unique ID of recovered receiver. Each receiver can be recovered multiple times.
receiver_dnum This value reflects a specific deployment event for an individual receiver. Used along with receiver field to join with acoustic_deployment table.
rlatdd Decimal degree latitude position at recovery.
rlondd Decimal degree longitude position at recovery.
status_out Was the receiver functioning at time of recovery.
time_offset Not currently used.