Shark Metadata

tblsharkdeployment - Typically joins will be made to the sgdepkey, toppid or ptt fields. Important fields used as query filters are project, seriesname, taggingdate, and tagtype.

tblsgpatprogramming - This table contains programming information for early generation (PAT1 thru PAT5) PAT tags. Typically joins will be made to the sgdepkey field.

tblsgmk10programming - This table contains programming information for MK10 and later generations of PAT tags (including those manufactured by Microwave Telemetry and Lotek). Typically joins will be made to the sgdepkey field.

tblsharkrecovery - Typically joins will be made to the sgdepkey or toppid fields. Important fields are actpopdate, rdate, lab_recdate, tagrecovered, fish_recaptured, rdateestimated, and recpositionestimated.

Example query:
SELECT d.sgdepkey as eventid,d.tagcode,d.taggingdate,d.seriesname,pr.depth_bins,r.actpopdate
FROM tblsharkdeployment as d
INNER JOIN tblsgmk10programming as pr ON d.sgdepkey = pr.sgdepkey
INNER JOIN tblsharkrecovery as r ON d.sgdepkey = r.sgdepkey
WHERE d.seriesname ilike '%nuevo%'