Management table ‘atn_deploy_rec_fgsg'

field comment
whole table This view creates a minimum dataset of fish and shark group deploy, recovery, processing and management metadata.
commonname The common name value from toppspecies table.
deplength Length of animal in centimeters at deployment.
deplen_type Type of length measurement, e.g., CFL, TL or PCL.
dlatdd Deployment latitude in decimal degrees.
dlondd Deployment longitude in decimal degrees.
end_date The earliest date of popup, recovery or modified popup - when a tag fails to identify the correct popup date.
eventid This is the basic ID number for a specific tag deployment. It breaks down into several components. The first 2 digits are species ID. Digits 3 and 4 represent deployment year. Digits 5-7 count from 1 and represent individual animal deployments for the year. Digits 8 and 9 count from 0 and represent individual tags from the individual animal deployment.
findlats_outfile The name of the findlats output file.
fish_recaptured Was the fish recaptured? 0 for no and 1 for yes.
genus The genus value from toppspecies table.
geolocated Has the data been successfully run through findlats?.
lsdname The lsdname value from the toppspecies table. Should match speciesname in satdeployments.
modpoplat Latitude of modified popup date.
modpoplon Longitude of modified popup date.
poplat Latitude at tag popup.
poplon Longitude at tag popup.
ptt The Argos ID number.
rdateestimated Is the recovery date estimated? 0 for no and 1 for yes.
reclat Latitude at tag recovery.
reclength Length of animal in centimeters at recapture.
reclen_type Type of length measurement, e.g., CFL, TL or PCL.
reclon Longitude at tag recovery.
recpositionestimated Is the recovery position estimated? 0 for no and 1 for yes.
seriesname Simple geographic desciptor of deployment location including year.
species The species value from toppspecies table.
ssm_complete Has the track data been successfully run through the state space model?.
ssm_version What version of the state space model was the track run through?.
tagcode Serial number of tag with prefix identifying manufacturer and model.
tagdate Local date at deployment of tag.
tagmodel The model of tag from management table, e.g., miniPAT, SPOT5 or MK10.
tagnumber Serial number of tag from management table.
tagtype Generic tag descriptor, e.g., archival, satellite or acoustic.
toppid The basic ID number for a specific animal deployment. Matches the first 7 digits of eventid.
wc_id ID number used for accessing tag data on Portal.