Acoustics table ‘acoustic_foreign'

field comment
whole table This table tracks ID codes of unknown, non-Block Lab tags detected on our network.
address The mailing address for owner.
akey Unique ID serial primary key field.
codespace Additional ID information that when combined with code in theory creates the complete unique tag ID.
comments General comments not easily fitting in other fields.
contact The tag owner or contact.
data2owner Was the data sent to the owner?
date_detect Date ranges for detections. Can be multiple ranges.
date_ownercontact When was the owner contacted?
email The email address for owner.
hits A count of detections for the ID.
idcode This is the basic identification code for an acoustic tag.
latdd Latitude of receiver.
londd Longitude of receiver.
phone The phone number for owner.
receiver The detection receiver. Can be multiple receivers.
species Species or common name of tagged animal.
vemco_contact Who was the data sent to at Vemco or who responded with owner ID?