Fishgroup table 'tblfgarchivaldeployment'
field | comment |
whole table | This table contains deployment metadata from all archival tagged fishgroup animals. Typically joins will be made to the fgadkey or toppid fields. Important fields used as query filters are project, seriesname, successful, taggingdate, tagmodel, tagtype and releasetype. This can be a confusing table. There are probably some unnecessary fields. All of the yes/no fields use 1 and 0 as their values and should be changed from type text to integer. All date fields should be converted from type text to date or timestamp. |
addtag | Never used and confusing. Should be deprecated. |
angler | Who caught the animal to be tagged? |
baittype | What type of bait was used to catch the fish? |
capcomments | For comments related to animal capture, e.g., "Associated with Dolphins.". |
capvessel | What vessel was used to capture the fish? |
commonname | Matches commonname in toppspecies table. |
contag1number | Serial number of first conventional tag. |
contag1position | Where on the fish was conventional tag 1 applied. |
contag1type | Generally either floy or hallprint. |
contag2number | Serial number of second conventional tag. |
contag2position | Where on the fish was conventional tag 2 applied. |
contag2type | Generally either floy or hallprint. |
datesstcorrected | Why is this important? Should be in processing table if anywhere. Candidate for deprecation. |
daystartlat | Only rarely used by ABFT. Candidate for deprecation. |
daystartlong | Only rarely used by ABFT. Candidate for deprecation. |
daystartsst | Only rarely used by ABFT. Candidate for deprecation. |
daystarttimelocal | Only rarely used by ABFT. Candidate for deprecation. |
deploycomment | Generic comments field. |
deployloc_estimated | A yes/no field indicating the deployment lat and lon are estimated positions. |
dlatdd | Deployment latitude in decimal degrees. |
dlatdeg | The latitude degree value of deployment location. |
dlatmin | The latitude minute value of deployment location. Generally in decimal minute format. |
dlondd | Deployment longitude in decimal degrees. |
dlondeg | The longitude degree value of deployment location. |
dlonmin | The longitude minute value of deployment locations. Generally in decimal minute format. |
dnanumber | What number is on the DNA vial. |
dnanumber2 | What number is on the second DNA vial. |
dnasamplelocation | What part of the fish was sampled for DNA. |
ease2boat | Very confusing field of limited use. Sometimes it has a value like "Easy" or sometimes it is "Medium", but often it is fight time which already has its own field. Candidate for deprecation. |
ew | Deployment hemisphere where e is east and w is west. |
fgadkey | This field should be called eventid. It joins to fgarkey in tblfgarchivalrecovery, fgdkey in tblfgprocessingstatus and fgapkey in tblfgarchivalprogramming as well as any other place eventid works for archival tags. It breaks down into several components. The first 2 digits are species ID. Digits 3 and 4 representdeployment year. Digits 5 - 7 count from 1 and represent individual animal deployments for the year.Digits 8 and 9 count from 0 and represent individual tags from the individual animal deployment. |
fighttime | Time in minutes to land the fish. |
fishdetect | Hardly ever used and confusing. Candidate for deprecation. |
fishingdepth | Another confusing field. Sometimes it gets bathymetric depth and sometimes depth of lure etc. Candidate for deprecation. |
fishmethod | How the animal was caught. |
gpsused | What GPS was used to generate deployment location? |
halfgirth | What is the half girth measurement in centimeters? |
handlingtime | Time in minutes from when the fish was brought to the boat until it was released. |
hooktype | What type of hook was used to catch fish. |
injuries | What injuries happened to the fish during capture and/or tagging. |
irrigation | Was the fish irrigated during tagging? |
leadertest | The leader line test in pounds. |
leadertype | The material of the leader line. |
leadtagger | The person attaching the tag to the fish. |
len1 | The length of the fish in centimeters. |
len1type | How was the fish length measured, e.g., CFL, SFL or TL. |
len2 | A second length measurement of the fish in centimeters. |
len2type | Same as len1type but for second measurement. |
linetest | Fishing line test in pounds. |
mass | The mass of the fish in kilograms. |
masstype | How was the mass measurement taken, e.g., estimated, measured, LMDerived. |
mrna_number | What number is on the mRNA vial? |
ns | Deployment hemisphere where s is south and n is north. |
progdate | Programming date of tag. Duplicate of info in programming table. Candidate for deprecation. |
project | The group responsible for tagging, e.g., TOPP, GTOPP, NonTOPP, IGFA or TAG. Not a seriously important field but can be useful in queries. |
releasetype | Generally not too important except in the case of PBFT released from a pen or into a pen only, e.g., Pen2wild or Pen. |
seastate | Description of ocean conditions like wave height. |
seriesname | Simple geographic desciptor of deployment locationincluding year. |
sex | Never used for fish. The sex of the fish where F = female, M = male and U = unknown. |
species | Matches genus and species from toppspecies table. |
sst | The sea surface temperature in degrees celsius. |
sstalgorithm | The sensor correction algorithm applied to the raw SST reading. |
sstdate | The date the SST was measured. |
sstprobe | The instument used to measure SST. |
successful | Was the deployment successful? Almost always true but there are some PBFT that died in pen before release. Yes is 1 and no is 0. |
surgeryboat | What boat did the tagging take place on? |
tagapplocation | Another confusing and unnecessary field. Candidate for deprecation. |
tagcode | Serial number of the tag. |
tageventcomment | For comments related to the tagging event, e.g., "Fish tagged itself. Beautiful implantation.". |
taggingdate | Local date at deployment of tag. |
taggingtime | Local time at deployment of tag. |
tagmodel | Should match model name in tbltmarchival. |
tagposition | Where on the fish was the tag placed? |
tagreleasecomment | For comments related to the release event, e.g., "Looked good going out the door.". |
tagteam | Who was involved in the tagging event? |
tagtype | Probably unnecessary for this table as it will almost always be archival. |
tid | Unknown. Probably an early version of tkey. Should be deprecated. |
toppid | The basic ID number for a specific animal deployment.Matches the first 7 digits of eventid. |
transferboat | Was a boat used to transfer the fish to the tagging boat? If so what was the name of the boat? |
transfercaptain | Was a boat used to transfer the fish to the tagging boat? If so who was the captain of the boat? |
weather | General description of temperature and cloud cover. |