SPOT tag metadata is broken into fish and shark groups. Deployment info is stored in tblfgsatdeployments or tblsharkdeployment respectively. There are also programming tables. A tag is only added to a recovery table (tblfgsatrecovery or tblsharkrecovery) if it is physically recovered, and it would be extremely rare to find information in a processing table for a SPOT tag.
The data itself, raw transmitted Argos locations, are stored in several tables/views. The only processing that happens with SPOT data is the SSM. It is stored in the same SSM tables as archival and PAT data.
tblfgspotprogramming - This table contains programming metadata for SPOT satellite tagged fishgroup animals. There are similarities to the other satellite programming tables though it is simpler due to SPOTS having fewer parameters. Typically joins will be made to the fgsdkey field.
tblsgspotprogramming - Same as tblfgspotprogramming except joins are made to the sgdepkey field.
argos_diag_with_lc - simplest/lowest level of Argos data, containing both SPOT and PAT tags. Joins are made to the pttnumber field.
diag_satdeployments or diag_satdeployments_mc - argos_diag_with_lc joined with minimal tag metadata, the most important being eventid and toppid. The difference between these two views is that diag_satdeployments_mc uses UTC time for the datetime field while diag_satdeployments uses local server time in the datetime field. Joins are made to eventid, toppid or pttnumber.
popups_diag - This view pulls lat1/lon1 locations out of the Argos data in diag_satdeployments_mc and adds more tag metadata. The name should probably be changed to reflect the fact that more than popup data is present. Joins to this table will usually be made to eventid, toppid or pttnumber.